Friday, November 23, 2007

My thoughts on "Women"

I AM WOMAN - hear me RoarrrrR!

Something interesting has happened over the last few days and it led me to sit down and think, why are women such strange creatures, we can appear easy to figure out when we want to be found out yet at the same time when we do not want to reveal the depths of our hearts / minds to someone, we can choose to be as complicated as day and night.

And the equator and balance amongst all things - is our emotions. Women generally are emotional creatures (lesbians included) and they are ever so fragile, doe-eyed one minute and have that innate need to be protected, cherished YET they can be jumping on your back the next minute and chewing off your head... leaving only a skull if you are lucky. That's how scary women are.

Even I fathom at how intriguing our minds are compared to a guy's.

A guy is like a child, easier to 'manipulate' *pun intended*, once you master the art of doing so lah (I have not reached that level yet so too bad).... but well, guys are another genre altogether, more selfish than women I would certainly think so. Women tend to be more giving. That's why plenty of drama serials have women playing out the long-suffering roles. The one holding out pain better and have the tenacity to suffer along with her loved ones.

The thing about a woman is, how marvellously wired her brain is, she can multi-task, map out what to do next and act nonchalantly as if its normal. I think guys ought to give more credit to their partners and the sort of support they have quietly been giving while the men go out there to "conquer" the world and grow up during the process.

I champion the notion of a woman supporting her man behind the scenes and being his pillar of strength yet she ought to be cherished greatly, if not, every single thing done by the guy will not be as smooth as it can be nor whatever for is his motivation if there isn't someone by his side to cheer him on when he falls or succeeds? Isn't it chilly to be high up on that success ladder alone?

Have you loved the woman in your life today?

Food for thought ~ RL

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