I wanna give Thanks to our Lord here.
Of late, I got recommended to take-charge of a couple of
Awesome Weddings... I just Love Weddings! Don't you?
And when I have to Emcee the Weddings..
there is just about 2 persons I can think of who are very VERY
suitable and inclined for this sort of gathering
they are
both are my MDIS classmates
of cos, one I know way longer than the other
but still
both have their own strengths and can hold the fort in
their own style!!!
realising the march-in music started
before everything could begin... but
we remained cool
joked about it and
myself and Rafil... Hard at work

it's VERY hard work... *evil grin*
(who is now with BA - way the Go Girl! All Glory to God)
& Rafil

*smacks forehead*
That babe next to Rafil is Honey Rai.. Love her name!
Darren and myself... I noticed I lost a bit of weight...
The pic below was in Nov 08, the ones above are in Feb 09
More Weddings Coming SOON!
I just LOVE catching up with long time no see friends.
Au Revoir....
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