Wednesday, July 15, 2009

Cooking Prawn Noodles

I just finished cooking the soup base for Prawn Noodles (my first time) and I love the taste of the soup, it is still simmering now as I type this but come dinner time, it would be just nice - HOPEFULLY DANIEL WILL LOVE IT! PHOTOS TOMORROW..... =))) I mixed pork ribs with crashed prawn heads and semi-shelled prawns into 2 pots (because soups are the first to run out whenever I cook - just ask Daniel!) ITS A LOT OF WORK...... running to the markets, getting the right stuff then de-shell, boil, watch the fire and blah blah blah but certainly it gives me a sense of satisfaction, cos if the soup base passes my taste buds test (I am fussy about my soups - REAL FUSSY) then it is alright to present to the world. HAha...... oh well... still, am cooking it for Daniel, his kid brother, his mum and ta-baoing some for my kid brother. No sugar, no salt and nothing else is added (except my secret ingredient - sniggers) so the soup is naturally sweet and porky-prawny...hahah!

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