Tuesday, January 15, 2008

Cocktail Mix of Feelings

Its terrrrrriiiiiibbbblllllleeeeeee..... I had a very well, filling lunch I think and I am so sleepy now. And i a bit sleepy, afraid later no form for badminton. Tired man! Colleagues have been telling me I lost significant amount of weight BUT I still don't think its enough, moreover, I enjoy dining. Crabs, Shark's Fin, Salads, Pasta, Kway Chap, Soups, Cakes, Prawns and so much more!!!
Anyways, I am kinda gleeful now, yesterday I appeared in ZaoBao with my picture in it, I showed my mum and my dear and guess what, they both said the same thing -_-" *sweat drop*

"You look good lah BUT how come the photo so unprofessional?" I was like *diao diao diao* "Well, I got no money for professional makeover lah... you want to sponsor?" lolz cos of the angle and stuff, I really think I ought to find my angle and just stick to it, I have had a few media friends calling me to compliment that I am photogenic but I accepted with grace and thought to myself - wah lau! I got to lose more weight man! ITs one of my NY resolution.

I need to Thank God for Daniel and his love and strength. I enjoy the way we act like kids at times, its fun and so RETRO! I LIKE!!! He is so OnZ and he still stablizes me when I get all nutty and berserk and too siao on. Haha.....

I hope we grow old this way..........................

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