Monday, April 28, 2008
Oh yeah.....
I am BLESSED.... so blessed.
Let me count the blessings.....
1) As of today, I have more than 40 Print + Radio + TV + Online coverage done for my company and its just so amazing.. (I have surpassed the goals which i have set.)
2) I have a loving and funny BFF - my bf!
3) I have a great Big Boss and Boss who totally understands and supports me and are more than willing to mentor!
4) The God I serve and love so much, LOVES me back like x100 times more, I cannot comprehend and probably do not deserve it BUT HE loves me so much anyway!
5) I am financially happy and rather well.
6) I am a more secured and confident person these days, compared to 5 years ago.
7) I do not have to live up to anyone's expectations but my own! (And God's) Amen! to that!!!! WoooHoooo...
8) I got Ismelin, Dan, Darren, Mel, Dodo, Alex, West Chris, Auntie Serene, Jo & Mario & Jann who totally digs me and enjoy my company as I am....
9) My Daddy and Mummy are still alive, healthy and thou not super happy but its alright... God will make it right again. My Brother is still the coolest Kid Bro in the world!
10) I am getting married soon cos I love him and want to walk this journey with him despite the unlovable factors at times! And I am warming my "cold feet" for D-Day!!!
11) God is allowing me to hone my skills, be polished and get better and better at what I do - LOVELY!
Friday, April 25, 2008
Maid for a Day
I want to go to a Spa Resort... can someone pay for me?
Yesterday was a super tiring day, even though I did not exercise but I kind of did in some form, like running around doing errands for so and so.... its so draining, then so and so was just super demanding to me..... Please take this, I want this and that.... Could I have that...??
It was a field day for me. Hais..... SIANz!
And check out the following Link: (Page 8)
Thanks and Glory belongs to God Almighty... yet another great coverage! Am proud to be part of a great company!
Tuesday, April 22, 2008
Monday, April 21, 2008
New Local Website
Check out
for the coolest way to search locally...
key in Kway Chap and you will find the stalls location or Bak Kwa or even Shiok or any singlish stuff.... have fun!
Getting Cold Feet

Well, let's see, where shall I start? I have been very happy ever since getting together with Daniel, most parts of this relationship is truly a blessing and a happily smooth-sailing one but relationships all come with its perils.
Some makes you worst off, others like the one I am so fortunate to be blessed with - grooms! I have grown as a person, mentally, emotionally, spiritually and *ahem* physically too, yeah I put on and lost weight! Its been erhm....swell??!!????
BUT, as much as I was looking forward to spending this journey with Daniel, as much as I want to parade around in a AKA Cinderella gown on D-Day, as much as I want to say "I DO" to for better or for worse, till death do us part.... perhaps, even after death I will see him in Heaven, ahahahahaa.. Ok, point is, I am getting the jitters.
Oh yeah.... I was the one who was, yeah sure I want to be tied down, I can be tied down, I would love to have Daniel by my side for this ride, this road and this journey I am racing for God! There is no better, more down-to-earth creature than he for me, for God so divinely arranged, as I always put it.
And oh yes, there's my mum. My dearest mummy still feels that Daniel is not good enough for me BLAH BLAH BLAH.... its stressful... she feels I probably can do better and land myself a doctor or lawyer or some CFO.... heck! even some of my close girlfriends feel this way about Daniel!
BUT, thing is, I allowed nature to take its course, I was prepared to let go of this relationship if it truly was not meant to be, I prayed so much before it began, I waited on God for 3 years, asking and praying to lead me, not me lead ME but God lead me. And it just happened.
So.... Daniel naturally popped into the picture. Our first encounter left a deep impression on me, not in the positive sense but rather in the weirdly comical sense.
Then came the point when I felt frail, I needed a pair of strong hands to help me out of the droolums I was in... there came Daniel, with his very assuring nature and a great sense of responsibility, hahaha.... one elder in church even told me if I let Daniel go, I'd be the most foolish person, but then again, I submit ALL unto God. Just like now, before the impending day, I am constantly praying...
I have so much of anxieties... I fear I won't be a good enough wife, I fear I will fail miserably at my new job of being a wife, I fear I hate housework so much that both of us will end up staying in a pig sty, I fear I am not good enough (in my mom-in-law's eyes) for daniel.... and the wedding, the costs, we don't even have a flat thou we are still praying. The list seems endless...... so it leaves me pondering: maybe Darren was right, don't get married first lor... even thou he meant it jokingly.
Anyways, I am frustrated... (Yes daniel dear, I am frustrated), to the point I keep getting recurring nightmares.
Guess the Sun ain't so Shiny today afterall, or is it really? Is there like a real pot of Gold at the end of my Rainbow? I need that pot of Gold, I need answers and I need God's leading and blessings, HE has taken me so far.... just take me further. Please pray for me... Daniel is fine, its all me really. HA! *winks*
Ms Sunshine ruthie
Friday, April 18, 2008
Oh man! Looks like Salmonella & E. Coli are really stupid and irritating bacteria that are ever present in many food particles esp. raw ones..... and those stuff they list in the Link below are things I enjoy! Hmph!
Tuesday, April 15, 2008
I Actually DO FEEL super pretty and happy today!
No reason...... just feeling it. In DA Groove!
Da Mood.... Yeah!
Saturday, April 12, 2008
Today is a BLEH.... tiring, rainy and hyper funny day.... I also not sure how to sum it up but it sure was weird this morning. The mixed feelings + tiredness setting in.
Thursday, April 10, 2008
We can stop forgiving others when Christ stops forgiving us...
so deep - been thinking about how tough it really is to forgive someone esp. the ones I don't like
Wednesday, April 9, 2008
Tough call
I just feel that.... I am getting kinda tired at blogging........ ........ cos maybe, I got no inspiration or new material... anyways, today Korean Exam again. So sianz
Tuesday, April 1, 2008
Happy April Fool's Day
Have fun.... I will be mugging for my exam tomorrow.
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