Friday, June 20, 2008


Week in and out, we listen to sermons, cell materials that talk about what God wants and sometimes it gets to be the same old, same old... but can I request that each of us reflect, especially after the short sharing below. Let us reflect... on our lives, take stock, see the mistakes that can be glaring at us in the face but we choose to ignore it, STOP ignoring and pretending everything is pink and rosy, when its not. E.g. raising our voices at our parents, is that right? Go back to the Basics of all Basics... please make a real SINCERE difference in wanting to LIVE for CHRIST, don't offer lip service only! God does not NEED THAT... NEITHER does HE want that. ~~~~~~~~~~ You know the thing about being young, is that you think that all that you do, you can get away with it. True to some extent, BUT no matter how fast or hard you run, your mistakes sometimes have a way of coming back to haunt you! Its deliberate! Oh yes it javu incident happens As God needs us to mature thru a series of setbacks and tests to proclaim our faith in Him.. to lead victorious Lives inspite of the situation facing us. We need to take a grip of ourselves Count our Blessings HOLD ON to the belief and hope that your prayers will be answered in this lifetime. We need to be tactful to the people around us, cause we are adults We ARE Responsible for our tongue WE NEED TO Edify and Encourage more often The human spirit needs to be reassured to be appreciated, its in-built into us, we all need and crave for attention. And in the right doses.. such appreciation and encouragement goes a long way, in motivating someone Today! So Be Generous with Praise! Think Before You Speak think because you do not want to stumble people's growth... be slow to response because you weigh out the consequences in your head first Hear... Listen carefully, every single word needs to be heard before you respond and don't jump the gun thus pulling a trigger on someone before he / she has finished speaking If you cannot hear properly, ask the person to repeat themselves... RESPECT your elders Respect those older than you cos they have experienced life RESPECT Authority As they are there to protect and guide you Respect not because you feel like it BUT because you have to Respect each other and what gender differences may bring.. e.g. no lewd jokes in front of girls and underage peeps is a great example. For RESPECT teaches you to be HUMBLE Humility + a Teachable Spirit will PROPEL you to greatness! Haughty Spirits and Pride Take you no where BUT to your eventual downfall... LEARN THE BASICS... Its What God Intended so... For a Successful Life that is well intended for you & a Walking Testimony THAT SHINES for HIM! Ask yourself: - Have you respected your elders this week? > If not, tell them you are sorry.. - Have you gone out of line in your daily talk? > You think you know better... perhaps not, seek forgiveness... - Have you miscommunicated and need to seek forgiveness? > If you misinterpreted something, maybe its time to make amends.. the first move needs only courage - Have you Praise someone who is doing something for you & you have taken for granted? > Its not just your leaders that need this, family and friends too... - Have you despaired over your cirsumstance for too long? > Then maybe its time to Let Go & LET GOD..HE who created you can surly take better control of the situation than you! - Have you been driving on your own for so long that you forgotten what does it feel like to have God sit beside you? > Its time for you to come back into the House of the Lord & FELLOWSHIP. - Are you facing a seemingly bleak future or perhaps are confused? > Then allow GOD to be your FIRST RESOURCE rather than your last resort. Talk to HIM, his number is 1900-GOD HELP ME!

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