Monday, August 18, 2008

"Emo Poem"..its about time. Goodbye You.

I miss you
why does your eyes go into oblivion
whenever I mention "that word"
Seems that word is jaded
like some painful part of the past
maybe you are regretting
maybe you are guilty still
I used this past
to propel me to my present
i cannot fathom a future with you
Impossible would seem like a word
that is over-used.. stale
but inspite of me, my past and my present nature
he took me
in all forms
quietly.. unassumingly
he is no saint nor perfect model
but despite the tantrums & nonsensical days I have had
he loves me
You are too distant
You are too self-contained
You are way too self-centered
Full of yourself
to ever see a good thing pass you by!
I am closing this chapter
as I am starting a fresh new exciting one
where hope and love awaits me
where he will support me in my endeavours and dreams
where I can just be me.
Acceptance is priceless!
To be valued is Gold.
I have both.
I wish never to ever see you in my lifetime
nor ever bump into you
I wish you well
nothing more with me
Like the mantra I keep chanting & telling others
"when we get older, we do not re-live nor make the same mistakes"
there is no value in that
just pure foolishness
if one was to re-live a lie and mistake
One was to be a dumbo!

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