Thursday, January 29, 2009
Wednesday, January 28, 2009
Back to Work On 3rd Day of CNY
I thank God for a job to return to...
thou I am super SUPER tired now, all the late nights over CNY was killing,
I admit, I am getting more mature...... its age catching up...
plus, I NEED TO RUN.... all that feasting does NOT HELP!
Wednesday, January 21, 2009
Some Wedding Gown Pics
Ok... this is SO overdue
I am still undecided.
I know... i know,
my Wedding Planner is chasing me
to book liao
Below are some pics of certain gowns I thought OK..
the Majestic Gown that I TOTALLY LOVE
is so hard to snap
dodo was not around to help me snap
so NO PICS for that one...
Shots were taken secretly.. so its candid
comments pls.
(looks a bit like the flower gown
I showed you all in my earlier wedding entries
See BELOW: -
On Happier days

but its not working out well... see next pic
SEE the struggle! Phew...

Well.... not too long ago... I attended a wedding, of someone I enjoyed talking a lot to and being around with, thou I don't see her often but I see someone else in her life often... Edlyn who is now known as Mrs Ah Hock!
I present you.... Jann, in her inaugural Flower Girl glory.... heheheee...
I am deciding and Lord, I need you more than ever now. . . I need your intervention, I need your embrace and I just need you as you are. You see what's troubling this heart of mine and I pray, you will grant me peace and show me your favour and grace! Amen.
Sunday, January 18, 2009
Sunday - Today
Today, I am feeling both mixed up... happy yet not so nearly happy. Vexed.. on one hand, there's the dress I like... on the other hand, there's a lot of considerations holding me back from being really happy with the dress.
One is really Daniel's face and does he really mean it when he wants to get it for us?
I look at him and was quite clueless... I mean, I am quite torn. Really.
I know I shouldn't sound so "materalistic" and all that jazz but its causing this confusion and then... when I was cutting Daniel's hair just only (prior to this blog) he seemed so not happy with the hair cut today.
I wonder is it the hair cut or is it him being unhappy with other things... maybe I am just thinking too much. Not sure. Just dam unhappy now. Anyways, if he really thinks his hair cut sucks, he can always head to the professional barber, afterall, I am untrained in Hair-dressing so if the cut truly sucks... .then. . . . . . .
Still ponderriiinggggg...... BIG SIGHS
Friday, January 9, 2009
Today's THE DAY where I get to shop for things worth more than $1000!!!
I have never bought anything costing more than $440 for anyone or even for myself. The last time I blew $440 was for a pair of Titus watches that was on a whooping 60% SALE, if not, I won't even consider.
But today....
I will be shopping for my Bridal gowns
& I am excitied and happy and nervous all at once!
Will take some pictures to post here...
Look out for them!
Wednesday, January 7, 2009
Saturday, January 3, 2009
Daniel Proposed... with a Diamond Ring no less!
Friday, January 2, 2009
Who Loves Dim Sum?? Over here...Me ME me!!!
Dan, Andy, Daniel & myself went to Roland Seafood yesterday at Marine Parade (home of the original Chilli Crab)
& we were fellowshipping amidst great FOOD!
We totally miss Weston, Christine, Darren & Mel in our midst for the makan session, oh yes Alex & both as well!
Anyways... HERE ARE THE FOOD PICS & Verdict!
Not oily & Super FANTASTIC soft shell crab,
makes you wonder,
why is the crab bigger than usual portions?
We were fighting for leftovers..*tsk tsk*
5/5 Stars
6/5 Stars can?
Only $4.80 a bowl.. can you spell C-H-E-A-P?
Scallops, prawns, mushroom,
shark's fin & more goodies! Its a treasure cove
4.5/5 Stars
(teeny weeny salad cream only SAD LOR)
We ordered both versions, Char Siew & Prawn
I love Prawn ones as I am biased.. HEE
(I suspect the Chef coated the Chee Chong Fun Skin with SK-II)
Crystal Clear leh!
A Tad Boring...
Can you spell H-A-P-P-P-PPPPPPPP-P-Y?
5/5 Stars
Portion of prawns were generous & juicy! YUM
More Prawns??? YAY!!!!! WooHOO~~~
5/5 Stars
Dainty portion yet Packs a Punch!
Looks Usual Right? WRONG!
Its one of the BEST, besides the ones at Lei Garden
it tastes Porky... filled with lean Pork!
4/5 Stars
(Ruth Totally Abstain from Eating
the Feet of any creature, it just seems wrong.)
Daniel said 4.5/5 Stars
Dan LoVED it
Andy joined my abstainence CLub...peace y'all!
POWER UP for this one!
Has only one chunky Prawn in the centre
& a tingle of Lemon splashed within!
I was fighting with Daniel for the prawn (shame on me, oh Yes!)
5/5 Stars
whilst I was trying to get a clear shot... Bleh!
Got Milk?
Most of us had Mango Pudding...
Guys being guys...
liked it
Me - I think it gets a mere 2/5 Stars
DON'T USE THE WET TOWELS to cut costs!
a Whooping $108 for 4 persons
but thanks to DBS / POSB Credit Cards
we got a 10% Discount
So its $98.25 TOTAL!
All 4 of us were like:
So classic. The faces were all so classic & funny!
I had a ball, the soup was divine... so was the rest of the Dim Sum
More importantly, the company!
Cheers Andy, Dan & Daniel!
Join us next time West, Chris, Darren & Mel!
GOD is still Good,
Thursday, January 1, 2009
TAG EM'''''
Here are the rules:
Once you’ve been tagged, you have to write a blog with 10 weird, random things, facts, or habits about yourself.
At the end, you choose 10 people to be tagged, listing their names and why you chose them to be tagged.Don’t forget to leave them a comment “You’re It!” and to read your blog.
You can’t tag the person who tagged you. Since you can’t tag me back let me know when you’ve posted your blog so I can see your answers.
10 Things About Ruthie:
1) Ok, this one is contributed by Daniel Pang, 4 years back when we were into our second year of this relationship, I totally forgotten & started picking "Black Gold" in front of him & startled him.. HE WAS LIKE "Omg, aren't pretty girls not allowed to fart, shit, pick their noses & burp????" I was like.... I am not alien, I am only human. Cheers to nose-picking!
2) I love only Green Tea Frapp in StarBucks! Nothing else comes close, with or without Whipped Cream... doesn't matter.
3) When I first played Nintendo Wii at Dan's place, I thrashed all the guys there at Wii Boxing, so, don't mess with me when it comes to extreme sports virtual / online games! Teeheehee~~ (Daniel has a short video to prove it)
4) I am addicted to Pet Society in Facebook, ITS THE BOMB!!!!
5) I kinda do enjoy organising outings / party or prepare home-cooked meals for close friends, cos THANK GOD, every outing I organised thus far has (by the grace of God) gotten 97% attendance! WooHoo~~ WOOT!!!
6) I love writing, blogging & churning out Press Releases, its in my blood to correct grammar, typo, spelling & etc... HAHAH... maybe just pure occupation hazard... I donno! Heeeeee
7) I actually kinda do enjoy running now, a lot more and how cool it is to push my body to the extreme sometimes... but the muscle aches can "kill" sometimes.
8) I can picture things in my head, my imagination is off the scale, thus my friends have been telling me, you should be in threatre, on radio or something but hey, I enjoy my job now! I can write my releases, mingle with reporters & appear on Telly from time to time, its the most enjoyable marriage of both worlds - THANK YOU LORD! You ROCK!
9) I enjoy watching movies! Esp. the comedy types like the recent Bedtime Stories, its so funny, I laughed SO LOUD in the movie threatre that...Thank Goodness no one scolded me. Oh and I hit the person next to me from time to time when its ultra funny too...
10) I enjoy being with the YA folks and the Detonate Youths! I do feel younger in their good company! And I love Emcee-ing for Weddings too!
I think I can only tag Ian, Sam, Pehbs, Sarah & Jialing.... cos no one left wor!
Happy 1st Day of 2009
I promised I will be back today! Well... I am.. stronger, fresher, better and HAPPIER!
I got so much to update all of you! Stay tuned... today, a couple of the YA decided we should have Dim Sum lunch at Roland Seafood Restaurant @ Marine Parade!
It was the BEST-est way to kick start the New Year, with close friends, laughter & GREAT FOOD! Pictures will come tomorrow.
Stay tuned!
HAPPY NEW YEAR y'all & btw, Watson's is having a 60% OFF Sales... go check out!
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