Am taking a short break from all that Wedding Planning before
where I will go Bridal Shopping with Leng and Beata
This is not a super gross out entry where I get all mushy
and gush all about good ol'daniel... nope.
It just one of those reflective entries where I take stock
of who we have become and why we are still together.
I can think of so many more reasons and moments why
I am extra grateful that you entered my life, stayed in it
and enhanced it... but here are just some (what I love about my guy):
I totally Thank God for bestowing me U...
You are the Best Gift I have ever gotten so far!
You are so goofy, loving, funny generous and God must have been thinking of me
WHEN HE made you.. Loves.
YOU ARE A WORK OF ART! Je'taime Mon Cheri...
See... even when you get generous and dish Moola out..
the Dollar Bill looks great with your pic on it!
You are Tender...like Chicken Tenders! in the way u love and live Life!
(u even look cool in the Newspapers! *Gasp*)
You are a real bummer at times... lazy to move, doing dumb dumb things that ALWAYS leaves me in stitches... >.<.JPG)
And I totally so think you are cute whenever we head out for furniture shopping
And U get lost in the shop... adorable you know?
I think you are handsomeBeauty is indeed in the eye of the Beholder!
I don't care if you are small eyed or big...
I will stick by you just the same!
Thanks for being my pillow to cry on..
Best friend whenever Ismelin is not around to take that position
Hearing my grouses esp where work and people are concerned
being a trusting fella that gives me freedom to do whatever I want
teaching me to be generous in forgiving rude and sometimes (idiotic!) people
and being a real silly goose!
Cos I love silly gooses.... they are super endearing.
and for sending me flowers and giving me surprises! You ROCK
actually u do fill a lot more roles than the above... u know tat rite?
(I love a simple goofy guy with tons of character & a right attitude!
I am Loving every moment!)